2. NANOPARTICLES IN A POLYMERIC MATRIX 346 2. 1 Classical Methods to Prepare Nanocomposites 348 2. 2 Other Methods to Prepare Nanocomposite Materials 350 3. NANOCOMPOSITES WITH NATURAL POLYMERS 351 3. 1 Materials and Processes 352 3. 2 Nanocomposites for Bioplastic Applications 353 3. 2. 1 Clay Modification 354 3. 2. 2 Processing 354 3. 2. 3 Analysis 355 3. 2. 4 Manufacturing and Properties of Thin Films 355 3. 2. 5 Conclusions 357 4. BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS 358 4. 1 Chitosan as a Matrix for Biomedical Applications 358 4. 2 Chitosan-Clay Nanocomposites 359 4. 3 Nanocomposites Based on Hydroxyapatite 360 5. SUMMARY 362 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 363 REFERENCES 363 Index 365 Contributing Authors Author Affiliation Chapter P. Aldred Christian Doppler Laboratory, Dornbirn, Austria 9 A. Bockarie PhiladelphiaUniversity, School of Science & Health 5 T. Bunik Philadelphia University, School of Science & Health 5 S. 1. Eichhorn 16 Univ. of Manchester, Manchester Materials Sci. Ctr. D. Eichinger Lenzing AG, Austria, Marketing Department 9 E. Evazynajad PhiladelphiaUniv., School of Textiles & Mater. Tech. 5 S. Fischer Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, TNO Industrial Tech. 19 H. Firgo Lenzing AG, Research & Development Department 9 E. FroIIini Univ. ofSiio Paulo, Chemical Institure of Sao Carlos 12 T. Fujii Doshisha University, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering 17 B. R. George Philadelphia Univ., School of Textiles& Mater. Tech. 5 A. Guo Pittsburg State Univ., Kansas Polymer Research Ctr. 11 S. lavasundera U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Res.
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InhaltsangabeContributing Authors. Section I. Overview. 1: Science And Technology; F.T. Wallenberger, N.E. Weston. 1. Materials From Natural Sources. 2. Value-In-Use Of Natural Materials. 3. Overview Of Natural Materials. References. Section II. Natural Fibers: Properties And Applications. 2: Advanced Spider Silk Fibers By Biomimicry; J. Turner, C. Karatzas. 1. Introduction. 2. Spider Silk As A Biomaterial. 3. Spider Silk Genetics. 4. Silk Protein Production In Vitro. 5. Silk Protein Production Via Lactation. 6. Spider Silk Protein Characterization. 7. Spinning Silk Proteins Into Fibers. 8. Potential Uses For Spider Silk Fibers. Acknowledgement. References. 3: Engineering Properties Of Spider Silk Fibers; F.K. Ko. 1. Introduction. 2. Tensile Properties. 3. Transverse Compression Properties. 4. Torsional Properties. 5. Viscoelastic Properties. 6. A Constitutive Model For Spider Silk. 7. Summary And Observations. Acknowledgements. References. 4: Microcrystalline Avian Keratin Protein Fibers; W.F. Schmidt, S. Jayasundera. 1. Microcrystalline Structure. 2. Morphological Structure. 3. Feathers Into Fiber. 4. Fiber Into Fiber Composites. References. 5: Keratin Fiber Nonwovens For Erosion Control; B.R. George, A. Evazynajad, A. Bockarie, H. Mcbride, T. Bunik, A. Scutti. 1. Introduction. 2. Fibers And Nonwoven Fabrics. 3. Erosion Control. Acknowledgements. References. 6: Keratin Fiber Structures For Nanofiltration; M. Misra, P. Kar. 1. Introduction. 2. Characterization Of Avian Fibers. 3. Removal Of Metal Ions From Solutions. 4. Removal Of Uranium From Solutions. 5. Effect Of Fiber Surface Treatment. 6. Summary. References. 7: Alginate And Chitosan Fibers For Medical Uses; H. Struszczyk. 1. Introduction. 2. Experimental Details. 3. Chitosan And Alginate Fiber Evaluation. 4. Conclusions. Acknowledgments. References. 8: Natural Fibers With Low Moisture Sensitivity; G.T. Pott. 1. Introduction. 2. Characteristics Of Bast Fibers. 3. Swelling Of Bast Fibers. 4. Methods To Reduce Fiber Swell. 5. The Duralin® Process. 6. Duralin® Process - Molecular Aspects. 7. Duralin® Fibers And Duralin® Flax Shives. 8. Thermal Degradation Of Flax Fibers. 9. Summary And Conclusions. References. 9: Environmentally Friendly Lyocell Fibers; K.C. Schuster, C. Rohrer, D. Eichinger, J. Schmidtbauer, P. Aldred, H. Firgo. 1. Introduction. 2. Raw Materials And Pulping. 3. Viscose And Modal Fiber Process. 4. Lenzing Lyocell Fiber Process. 5. Environmental Awards To Lenzing. 6. Summary And Conclusions. Acknowledgements. References. Section III. Natural Plastics & Matrix Materials. 10: Plastics And Composites From Polylactic Acid; K. Oksman, J.-F. Selin.
Contributing Authors. Section I. Overview. 1: Science And Technology; F.T. Wallenberger, N.E. Weston. 1. Materials From Natural Sources. 2. Value-In-Use Of Natural Materials. 3. Overview Of Natural Materials. References. Section II. Natural Fibers: Properties And Applications. 2: Advanced Spider Silk Fibers By Biomimicry; J. Turner, C. Karatzas. 1. Introduction. 2. Spider Silk As A Biomaterial. 3. Spider Silk Genetics. 4. Silk Protein Production In Vitro. 5. Silk Protein Production Via Lactation. 6. Spider Silk Protein Characterization. 7. Spinning Silk Proteins Into Fibers. 8. Potential Uses For Spider Silk Fibers. Acknowledgement. References. 3: Engineering Properties Of Spider Silk Fibers; F.K. Ko. 1. Introduction. 2. Tensile Properties. 3. Transverse Compression Properties. 4. Torsional Properties. 5. Viscoelastic Properties. 6. A Constitutive Model For Spider Silk. 7. Summary And Observations. Acknowledgements. References. 4: Microcrystalline Avian Keratin Protein Fibers; W.F. Schmidt, S. Jayasundera. 1. Microcrystalline Structure. 2. Morphological Structure. 3. Feathers Into Fiber. 4. Fiber Into Fiber Composites. References. 5: Keratin Fiber Nonwovens For Erosion Control; B.R. George, A. Evazynajad, A. Bockarie, H. Mcbride, T. Bunik, A. Scutti. 1. Introduction. 2. Fibers And Nonwoven Fabrics. 3. Erosion Control. Acknowledgements. References. 6: Keratin Fiber Structures For Nanofiltration; M. Misra, P. Kar. 1. Introduction. 2. Characterization Of Avian Fibers. 3. Removal Of Metal Ions From Solutions. 4. Removal Of Uranium From Solutions. 5. Effect Of Fiber Surface Treatment. 6. Summary. References. 7: Alginate And Chitosan Fibers For Medical Uses; H. Struszczyk. 1. Introduction. 2. Experimental Details. 3. Chitosan And Alginate Fiber Evaluation. 4. Conclusions. Acknowledgments. References. 8: Natural Fibers With Low Moisture Sensitivity; G.T. Pott. 1. Introduction. 2. Characteristics Of Bast Fibers. 3. Swelling Of Bast Fibers. 4. Methods To Reduce Fiber Swell. 5. The Duralin Process. 6. Duralin Process - Molecular Aspects. 7. Duralin Fibers And Duralin Flax Shives. 8. Thermal Degradation Of Flax Fibers. 9. Summary And Conclusions. References. 9: Environmentally Friendly Lyocell Fibers; K.C. Schuster, C. Rohrer, D. Eichinger, J. Schmidtbauer, P. Aldred, H. Firgo. 1. Introduction. 2. Raw Materials And Pulping. 3. Viscose And Modal Fiber Process. 4. Lenzing Lyocell Fiber Process. 5. Environmental Awards To Lenzing. 6. Summary And Conclusions. Acknowledgements. References. Section III. Natural Plastics & Matrix Materials. 10: Plastics And Composites From Polylactic Acid; K. Oksman, J.-F. Selin. 1. Introduction. 2. Polylactic Acid. 3. Flax Fibers. 4. Polylactic Acid Composites. 5. Applications Of Polylactic Acid. 6. Summary And Conclusions. References. 11: Plastics And Composites From Soybean Oil; Z.S. Petrović, A. Guo, I. Javni, Wei Zhang. 1. Introduction. 2. Vegetable Oil Based Resins. 3. Conclusions. References. 12: Plastics And Composites From Lignophenols; E. Frollini, J.M.F. Paiva, W.G. Trindade, I.A. Tanaka Razera, S.P. Tita. 1. Introduction. 2. Lignocellulosic Materials. 3. Thermoset Matrices. 4. Lignocellulosic Fibers In Composites. 5. Impact Strength. 6. Water Absorption. 7. Lignophenolics In Closed Cell Foams. Acknowledgements. References. 13: Chitosan Biopolymer-Silica Hybrid Aerogels; W.M. Risen Jr., Xipeng Liu. 1. Introduction. 2. Formation Of Biopolymers. 3. Structures And Properties. 4. Applications. Acknowledgements. References. Section IV. Composites From Natural Fibers And Plastics. 14: Uses Of Natural Fiber Reinforced Plastics; R. Kozlowski, M. Wladyka-Przybylak. 1. Introduction. 2. Conventional Composite Boards. 3. Lignocellulosic-Mineral Composites. 4. Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymers. 5. Fire Retardant Composites. 6. Conclusions. References. 15: Natural Fiber Reinforced Automotive Parts; T.P. 1. Introduction. 2. Properties Of Natural Fib ...