David Moore and William Notz's Statistics: Concepts and Controversies introduces students who are not specialising in statistics to statistical ideas-and shows them how use those ideas to think about the statistical claims they see every day from polls, campaigns, advertising, public policy, and many different fields of study. The ultimate goal is to equip students with solid statistical reasoning skills that will help them understand impact of statistics on all aspects of our lives. The new edition offers the textbook's signature combination of engaging cases, real-life examples and exercises, helpful pedagogy, rich full-color design, and innovative media learning tools, all significantly updated. This version includes textbook and LaunchPad access, our online course space, which combines an interactive e-Book with high-quality multimedia content and ready-made assessment options, including LearningCurve adaptive quizzing and coded machine-gradable exercises from the textbook. Features include: - Pre-built Units for each chapter, curated by experienced educators, with media for that chapter organized and ready to assign or customize to suit your course. Intuitive and useful analytics, with a Gradebook that lets you see how your class is doing individually and as a whole. A streamlined and intuitive interface that lets you build an entire course in minutes. Request a demo or instructor access
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David S. Moore is Shanti S. Gupta Distinguished Professor of Statistics, Emeritus, at Purdue University and was 1998 president of the American Statistical Association. He is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association and of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. He has served as program director for statistics and probability at the National Science Foundation. He is the author of influential articles on statistics education and of several leading texts. William I. Notz is Professor of Statistics at the Ohio State University. His first academic job was as an assistant professor in the Department of Statistics at Purdue University. While there, he taught the introductory concepts course with Professor Moore and as a result of this experience he developed an interest in statistical education.