Can corporations have a conscience? What constitutes blowing the whistle ethically? How does a corporation build an ethical culture? Hoffman, Frederick, and Schwartz address many current, intriguing, often complex issues in corporate morality in the fifth edition of Business Ethics: Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality. This introductory text contains a thorough introduction to ethical theory, 53 readings, and 30 case studies. Divided into five parts, each with an introduction presenting the major themes of its articles and cases, the text contains an impartial, point-counterpoint presentation of different perspectives on the most important and highly contended issues of business ethics. Chapters end with questions that can be used for student discussion, review, tests or quizzes, or student assignments. The new textbook retains the very best features of previous editions, but is now substantially updated with new leading articles, the latest subject areas from the last decade, and pertinent case studies; also new are mini-cases based on MBA student dilemmas.
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