InhaltsangabePreface. About the Editors. Contributors. Part I: MEMBRANES AND APPLICATIONS IN WATER AND WASTEWATER. 1. ThinFilmComposite Membranes for Reverse Osmosis. (T. Uemura and M. Henmi). 2. Cellulose Triacetate Membranes for Reverse Osmosis. (A. Kumano and N. Fujiwara). 3. Seawater Desalination (N. Voutchkov and R. Semiat). 4. Seawater Desalination by Ultra-Low Energy Reverse Osmosis. (R. L. Truby). 5. Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration (N. Kubota, T. Hashimoto, and Y. Mori). 6. Water Treatment by Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration (M. D. Kennedy, J. Kamanyi, S. S. Salinas, N. H. Lee, J. C. Schippers, and G. Amy). 7. Water Reclamation and Desalination by Membranes (P. Cote, M. Liu, and S. Siverns). 8. Chitosan Membranes with Nanoparticles for Remediation of Chlorinated Organics (Y-H. Tee and D. Bhattacharyya). 9. Membrane Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment (P. Cornel and S. Krause). 10. Submerged Membranes (A. Fane). 11. Nanofiltration (B. Van der Bruggen and J. Geens). 12. Membrane Distillation (M. Khayet). 13. Ultrapure Water by Membranes (A. Dey). Part II: MEMBRANES FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY AND CHEMICAL / BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS). 14. Tissue Engineering with Membranes (Z. Cui). 15. Biopharmaceutical Separations by Ultrafiltration (R. Ghosh). 16. Nanofiltration in Organic Solvents (P. Silva, L. G. Peeva, and A. G. Livingston). 17. Pervaporation (F. Baig). 18. Biomedical Applications of Membranes (G. Catapano and J. Vienken). 19. Hemodialysis Membranes (N. J. Ofsthun, S. Karoor, and M. Suzuki). 20. Tangential Flow Filtration for Virus Capture (S. R. Wickramasinghe). Part III: GAS SEPARATIONS. 21. Vapor and Gas Separation by Membranes (R. W. Baker). 22. Gas Separation by Polyimide Membranes (Y. Kase). 23. Gas Separation by Carbon Membranes (P. J. Williams and W. J. Koros). 24. Polymeric Membrane Materials and Potential Use in Gas Separation (H. B. Park and Y. M. Lee ). 25. Hydrogen Separation Membranes (Y. H. Ma). Part IV: MEMBRANE CONTACTORS AND REACTORS. 26. Membrane Contactors (K. K. Sirkar). 27. Membrane Reactors (E. Drioli and E. Fontananova). Part V: ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY APPLICATIONS. 28. Facilitated Transport Membranes for Environmental, Energy and Bio Applications (J. Zou, J. Huang, and W. S. W. Ho). 29. Fuel Cell Membranes (P. N. Pintauro and R. Wycisk). Part VI: MEMBRANE MATERIALS AND CHARACTERIZATION. 30. Recent Progress in Mixed Matrix Membranes (C. Liu, A. M. W. Hillock, S. Husain, W. J. Koros, and S. Kulprathipanja). 31. Fabrication of Hollow-Fiber Membranes by Phase Inversion (T-S. N. Chung). 32. Membrane Surface Characterization (M. Kallioinen and M. Nystrom). 33. Membrane Characterization by Ultrasonic Time-Domain Reflectometry (W. B. Krantz and A. R. Greenberg). 34. Microstructural Optimization of Thin Supported Inorganic Membranes for Gas and Water Purification (M. L. Mottern, J. Y. Shi, K. Shqau, D. Yu, and H. Verweij). 35. Structure/Property Characteristics of Polar Rubbery Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Removal (V. A. Kusuma, H. Lin, B. D. Freeman, M. Jose-Yacaman, S. Kalakkunnath, and D. S. Kalika). Index.
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Norman N. Li, PhD, is the President of NL Chemical Technology, Inc., and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. Dr. Li holds forty-five patents, has edited twenty books, and has received many honors, including the 2000 Perkin Medal presented by the Society of Chemical Industry American Section. Anthony G. Fane, PhD, is Director of the Singapore Membrane Technology Centre at NanyangTechnological University, Singapore. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. W. S. Winston Ho, PhD, has been University Scholar Professor of Chemical Engineering at The Ohio State University. He holds more than fifty U.S. patents in separation processes and has won several awards, including the 2007 Clarence G. Gerhold Award from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Takeshi Matsuura, PhD, is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Ottawa, Canada. He has published more than 300 papers in refereed journals, authored or coauthored three books, and edited four books.
Preface. About the Editors. Contributors. Part I: MEMBRANES AND APPLICATIONS IN WATER AND WASTEWATER. 1. Thin-Film-Composite Membranes for Reverse Osmosis. (T. Uemura and M. Henmi). 2. Cellulose Triacetate Membranes for Reverse Osmosis. (A. Kumano and N. Fujiwara). 3. Seawater Desalination (N. Voutchkov and R. Semiat). 4. Seawater Desalination by Ultra-Low Energy Reverse Osmosis. (R. L. Truby). 5. Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration (N. Kubota, T. Hashimoto, and Y. Mori). 6. Water Treatment by Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration (M. D. Kennedy, J. Kamanyi, S. S. Salinas, N. H. Lee, J. C. Schippers, and G. Amy). 7. Water Reclamation and Desalination by Membranes (P. Cote, M. Liu, and S. Siverns). 8. Chitosan Membranes with Nanoparticles for Remediation of Chlorinated Organics (Y-H. Tee and D. Bhattacharyya). 9. Membrane Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment (P. Cornel and S. Krause). 10. Submerged Membranes (A. Fane). 11. Nanofiltration (B. Van der Bruggen and J. Geens). 12. Membrane Distillation (M. Khayet). 13. Ultrapure Water by Membranes (A. Dey). Part II: MEMBRANES FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY AND CHEMICAL / BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS). 14. Tissue Engineering with Membranes (Z. Cui). 15. Biopharmaceutical Separations by Ultrafiltration (R. Ghosh). 16. Nanofiltration in Organic Solvents (P. Silva, L. G. Peeva, and A. G. Livingston). 17. Pervaporation (F. Baig). 18. Biomedical Applications of Membranes (G. Catapano and J. Vienken). 19. Hemodialysis Membranes (N. J. Ofsthun, S. Karoor, and M. Suzuki). 20. Tangential Flow Filtration for Virus Capture (S. R. Wickramasinghe). Part III: GAS SEPARATIONS. 21. Vapor and Gas Separation by Membranes (R. W. Baker). 22. Gas Separation by Polyimide Membranes (Y. Kase). 23. Gas Separation by Carbon Membranes (P. J. Williams and W. J. Koros). 24. Polymeric Membrane Materials and Potential Use in Gas Separation (H. B. Park and Y. M. Lee ). 25. Hydrogen Separation Membranes (Y. H. Ma). Part IV: MEMBRANE CONTACTORS AND REACTORS. 26. Membrane Contactors (K. K. Sirkar). 27. Membrane Reactors (E. Drioli and E. Fontananova). Part V: ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY APPLICATIONS. 28. Facilitated Transport Membranes for Environmental, Energy and Bio Applications (J. Zou, J. Huang, and W. S. W. Ho). 29. Fuel Cell Membranes (P. N. Pintauro and R. Wycisk). Part VI: MEMBRANE MATERIALS AND CHARACTERIZATION. 30. Recent Progress in Mixed Matrix Membranes (C. Liu, A. M. W. Hillock, S. Husain, W. J. Koros, and S. Kulprathipanja). 31. Fabrication of Hollow-Fiber Membranes by Phase Inversion (T-S. N. Chung). 32. Membrane Surface Characterization (M. Kallioinen and M. Nystrom). 33. Membrane Characterization by Ultrasonic Time-Domain Reflectometry (W. B. Krantz and A. R. Greenberg). 34. Micro-structural Optimization of Thin Supported Inorganic Membranes for Gas and Water Purification (M. L. Mottern, J. Y. Shi, K. Shqau, D. Yu, and H. Verweij). 35. Structure/Property Characteristics of Polar Rubbery Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Removal (V. A. Kusuma, H. Lin, B. D. Freeman, M. Jose-Yacaman, S. Kalakkunnath, and D. S. Kalika). Index.