This book provides an overview of zeolites and conducting polymers, their structure, synthesis, applications and properties. Chemical warfare agents and their decontamination using zeolites, Organophosphates (OPs), Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Decontamination of chemical warfare agents, Decontamination methods, Physical Decontamination, Applications of zeolites for decontamination of chemical warfare agents are covered in this book in particular. This book will be helpful to both U.G and P.G and also to research scholars in particular.
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Muzzaffar A Mir, Muzzaffar A Bhat, Sheikh A Majid and are AssistantProfessors in the Department of Chemistry, Islamic University of Scienceand Technology, Awantipora, Pulwama (J& K). They have obtained theirPost Graduate and Ph.D degrees from Jiwaji University, Gwalior, India.