Gender Equality in Academia Schulleiterinnen in Europe? What are the career options for women in various Europ ean countries? What has changed? Does the glass ceiling still exist? The contributors give answers from different countries and in a comparative perspec - tive. The contributions of this volume take a closer look at career achievements, perspectives and trajectories primarily at European universities, putting straightforwardly into question the widely held opinion that women are strategically excluded from gaining access to top positions in academia. There is no simple evil or male-dominated mechanism for hindering the advancement of women in academia. However, there are many pitfalls and difficulties that still stand in the way of female academics and render their lives and professional advancement in academia more difficult compared to their male colleagues. The articles aim at investigating the interrelationship bet ween strategy and structure, thus focusing on the interconnectedness between the institutional environment of the systems of higher education and the strategic behavior, the aspirations, hopes and desires of female academics in particular who either were looking back upon their career path, had just started to think about a career in academia, or were on their way to applying for a leading position at a university. The book is published as a joint venture by Barbara Budrich and Scholar, Poland.
Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH
Magdalena Lautenschlager
Stauffenbergstr. 7
DE 51379 Leverkusen