In view of the many positive comments by the participants of all former AST workshops, the TUHH team was fully motivated to organize the 6th International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies AST 2017. The proceedings of the workshop comprise 40 high-quality contributions which were selected from a call for papers. The contributions presented at the workshop address the fields of Airframe Systems and Equipment, Cabin and Comfort, Information and Communication Management as well as Materials and Production. In the first chapter dealing with Airframe Systems and Equipment, topics such as flight control, electromechanical actuator technology, health monitoring as well as ice protection and landing gear systems are discussed. Additional papers are related to special areas, such as power system design, resonance effects, virtual testing, rotary gear development, model-based systems engineering or active flow control. The topics with respect to Cabin and Comfort are treated in the second chapter. The work in this chapter focuses on cabin interior acoustics, climate control / thermal comfort and lightweight structures, including special topics like, e.g., active structural acoustic control. Chapter three Information and Communication Management covers different aspects of future cabin networks, wireless data transmission as well as avionics devices and software platforms. Actual topics like modular architectures and near field communication are discussed with respect to an application inside the aircraft cabin. The last chapter is devoted to Material and Productions. On the one hand, several contributions dealing with efficient production techniques, especially concerning additive manufacturing and composite materials, as well as automatization methods are included. On the other hand, topics related to inspection, damage location, and nondestructive testing are covered. For practicing engineers and scientists working in one of these areas, the proceedings will be a valuable source of information.
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