Like every pedagogical field, the fields of aesthetic, arts and cultural education have been confronted with various transformational dynamics in recent decades. Transformation processes such as globalization, digitization or transculturalization not only characterize a change in social and cultural framework conditions, but also lead to changes in selfunderstanding, working methods, contents, and objectives in the research of these educational fields. The anthology "Spectra of Transformation" gathers key insights and reflections upon transformational dynamics which may deeply affect the future(s) of aesthetic, arts and cultural education. It provides a selection of recent research projects from eight European countries on various transformational phenomena in the fields of arts education, which were presented and discussed at a winter school held at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in 2017.
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Prof. Dr. Hannelore Bublitz is professor of general sociology, social sciences, and social philosophy at the University of Paderborn since 1995. She was the spokesperson of the Research Training Group "Automatisms" at the University of Paderborn. Her work focuses on dynamics of self-management and normalization in modern societies, the intersection of social technologies and economies in mass culture, and technologies of the body, gender, and the self.