The book gives insight into life and the medical work. It demonstrates the exercises of learning and hard work by understanding the people in need and for re-evaluating the challenges in fulfilling the responsibilities and tasks by meeting their expectations. To put the good intentions into practical perspectives, education must improve to strengthen the willpower for enhancing the capability and skills and the standard of work performances considerably. The prerequisites remain, which is humbleness, honesty, respect and hard work to elevate the attitude in assessing the social problems related to freedom, peace, equality and justice. The story likes to motivate the young generation in learning to understand the situation in depth by considering and analyzing the facts. It is of great importance to be a citizen by taking part in the process of building and consolidating the nation to an educated, just and responsibility bearing nation in keeping up and defending the fundamental values of humanity. A huge detonation had shaken the village. The nurse told that the tremor had jumbled up the drugs in the cabinet and had smashed the glass in four windows. I stuffed the rest of the second slice into my mouth, emptied the cup of cold tea, put on the sandals in the verandah and drove with the beetle to the hospital. The hospital gate was far open and not guarded by the gatekeeper. The people who normally stayed overnight at this place have moved to another place inside the premises. They had expected and feared koevoet with the Casspirs after the huge detonation which was not far away. The big goal is true humanity. In the order of thoughts it comes to knowledge and philosophy. The world is anticipated, bundled, stretched and merged by thoughts. Thoughts are timeless in the change of reality. Thoughts are the bridge from zeitgeist to spirit and vice versa setting its environment in all directions in vibrations. Thoughts are inexhaustible and immortal.
Neopubli GmbH
Sebastian Stude
Köpenicker Straße 154a
DE 10997 Berlin
- Kindheitserlebnisse von der "Reichskristallnacht" und den Bombennächten über Köln Übersiedlung nach Bautzen, wo der Vater als Gynäkologe eine kleine Frauenklinik betreibt sieht als 10Jähriger wenige Monate vor Kriegsende, wie ein Zug von Häftlingen in KZKleidung von der SS bewacht durch die Stadt zieht 1951 Rückkehr nach Köln, um dem "roten" PolitTerror zu entgehen Medizinstudium in Köln und München seit 1960 Arzt, 1961 promoviert dreijährige Ausbildung in der pathologischen Anatomie (Universität Köln) Facharzt der Chirurgie (Universität Köln), der Traumatologie und plastisch rekonstruktiven Chirurgie (RuhrUniversität Bochum) 19851998 Arzt und Chirurg am Hospital in Oshakati zum "Honorary Professor of the University of Namibia" ernannt (1997