Cyrus Salaar, a German citizen, works for an insurance company in Hamburg. His employer orders him to go to Tehran, the country of his birth, in order to verify the authenticity of the death certificate of a young Iranian policyholder. He is supposed to have a car accident in Tehran. The insurance company suspects fraud. Cyruss private interest in taking this dangerous trip is to retrieve the family coat of arms, which had to be left behind as his family fled Iran. He wants to give it to his mother for her 70th birthday. The coat of arms hangs on the entrance gate to his parents home, an old villa that the secret police took over after the revolution. During his investigation in Tehran it turns out that the supposedly dead policyholder is alive, lives somewhere in Germany; he out to be a terrorist hunted by the Iranian authorities. One of the most feared members of the Iranian Secret Police wants Cyrus to give him the suspected terrorists address. Cyrus refuses. He knows Iranian agents in Germany would liquidate the young man. That would not only be inhuman but also absolutely opposed his order. With an assassination by agent of the Iranian secret police, the insurance benefits would again be due. Despite so many unexpected troubles with mullahs, he stays true to his goal. Under the nose of the secret police, in a three-phase plan of breath-taking action, Cyrus, and his Iranian friends try to remove the family coat of arms and sneak it out of Iran; an almost impossible action. An authentic, exciting novel from the realm of the Mullahs.
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Hassan M.M. Tabib, 1940 in Teheran geboren, studierte im Iran Literaturwissenschaft. Er arbeitete als Journalist für mehrere Tageszeitungen. Seine Veröffentlichungen erregten den Unmut des Schahs Regimes. 1964 verließ er seine Heimat und blieb ein Jahr in Frankfurt/M. Danach lebte und studierte er mehrere Jahre in den USA. Dort studiert er Informatik. Zurückgekehrt nach Deutschland arbeitete er hier als Berater und Führungskraft in verschiedenen Unternehmen. Seit 1995 ist er zu seinen Wurzeln, zu seiner Liebe, dem Schreiben, zurückgekehrt. Er hat mehrere Bücher in Deutsch, English und Persisch geschrieben. Besuchen Sie die Website von Herr Tabib,