As an ambitious project, the New Silk Roads create global value chains in a network that connects Europe, Asia, and Africa and that are characterised by maximum diversity in languages, traditions, values, as well as political, social, and economic systems and settings. As one of the most fascinating and risky developments driving the formation of a global society, this initiative not only seeks the economic integration of more than 70 countries, but also involves many political and cultural challenges. Accordingly, it represents a global economic, political, social, and cultural experiment with potentially beneficial, but also potentially disruptive, consequences for all involved. It is against this backdrop that this book focuses on European perspectives: regarding the geo-political and economic implications of the New Silk Roads for, on the one hand, Europe's and the EU's role in the world and, on the other hand, for Europe's coherence as a political and economic regional network. In this way, this book aims to contribute understanding of what the New Silk Roads means in economic, political and cultural terms for the European countries involved. Contents Part I: Perspectives on BRI Josef Wieland Transcultural Challenges of the Belt and Road Initiative Li Ma, Hao Wang What the Belt and Road Initiative is and is not: A Researcher's Perspective Jonathan Keir Historical and Cultural-Philosophical Perspectives on the New Silk Road(s) Matthias Niedenführ The Belt and Road Initiative - A Chinesestyle Globalization Based on Chinese Values Patrycja Pendrakowska Disenchanting the 17+1 initiative Pawel Behrendt Geopolitical Implications of the New Silk Road(s) Julian Caletti Trust and Understanding - a Geopolitical Perspective on the Relations between China and Europe Part II: Research Projects on the Impacts of the BRI on Europe Patryk Szczotka Paradiplomacy with Chinese Characteristics. The Relational Governance Model in Sino-European Substate Relations. Florian Horky, Paulina Kintzinger, Izabela Szczecinska Dynamics and Developments of Chinese M&A Transactions in the Wake of the BRI Lorenz Bokari, Karolina Pajaczek, Aleksandra Kozerska Legal Challenges Accompying the Belt and Road Initiative in Poland and Germany with the Focus on International Trade Law Jessica Britzwein and Aleksandra Balasinska Civil Society Interaction with the Belt and Road Initiative. The case of Germany and Poland. Katharina Hahn, Sandra Krawczyszyn Adding a Gender perspective to the BRI - the Case of Poland and Germany Tobias Ilg, Natalia Ziólkowska Public Opinition Part III Harald F. Müller, Julika Baumann Montecinos The Transcultural Leadership Summit as a Platform for Diversity and Cooperation of Disciplines
Metropolis-Verlag für Ökonomie Gesellschaft und Politik GmbH
Hubert Hoffmann
Am Graben 2b
DE 35096 Weima