This third edition of the first comprehensive commentary on the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration covers the new version of these rules which entered into force on June 1, 2021. It is a practical guide for counsel, arbitrators, state courts and persons involved in the administration of arbitral proceedings under the Swiss Rules. This commentary presents the new version of the Swiss Rules from a double perspective. On the one hand, it emphasizes the relationship between these Rules and the Swiss legal regime governing international arbitration, namely the provisions of chapter 12 of the Swiss Private International Law Statute. On the other hand, it puts these Rules in an international perspective by comparing them with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2010 and corresponding provisions of other major institutional rules (ICC, LCIA, SCC, DIS, VIAC, SIAC, HKIAC, AAA/ICDR) and with the provisions of the former edition of the rules. This book is written by arbitration practitioners based in Switzerland working with law firms with a long-lasting and wide experience in international commercial arbitration. It represents the field-tested work of an experienced generation of Swiss arbitration specialists. One of the editors was a member of the working group for the revision of the Swiss Rules and thus had special insight into the revision process.
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