InhaltsangabeAcknowledgements. Prologue. Portrait 1 Empty. Portrait 2 Full. Portrait 3 A Porous Vessel. Portrait 4 Starry Green Plastic Ducks. Portrait 5 Learning Love. Portrait 6 The Aboriginal Laptop. Portrait 7 Home and Homeland. Portrait 8 Tattoo. Portrait 9 Haunted. Portrait 10 Talk to the Dog. Portrait 11 Tales from the Publicans. Portrait 12 Making a Living. Portrait 13 McDonald's Truly Happy Meals. Portrait 14 The Exhibitionist. Portrait 15 Re-Birth. Portrait 16 Strength of Character. Portrait 17 Heroin. Portrait 18 Shi. Portrait 19 Brazil 2 England 2. Portrait 20 A Thousand Places to See before You Die. Portrait 21 Rosebud. Portrait 22 The Orientalist. Portrait 23 Sepia. Portrait 24 An Unscripted Life. Portrait 25 Oh Sod It!. Portrait 26 José and José's Wife. Portrait 27 Wrestling. Portrait 28 The Carpenter. Portrait 29 Things That Bright Up the Place. Portrait 30 Home Truths. Epilogue: If This is Modern Life - Then What is That?. Appendix: The Study
Daniel Miller is Professor of Material Culture at University College London.
Acknowledgements. Prologue. Portrait 1 Empty. Portrait 2 Full. Portrait 3 A Porous Vessel. Portrait 4 Starry Green Plastic Ducks. Portrait 5 Learning Love. Portrait 6 The Aboriginal Laptop. Portrait 7 Home and Homeland. Portrait 8 Tattoo. Portrait 9 Haunted. Portrait 10 Talk to the Dog. Portrait 11 Tales from the Publicans. Portrait 12 Making a Living. Portrait 13 McDonald''s Truly Happy Meals. Portrait 14 The Exhibitionist. Portrait 15 Re-Birth. Portrait 16 Strength of Character. Portrait 17 Heroin. Portrait 18 Shi. Portrait 19 Brazil 2 England 2. Portrait 20 A Thousand Places to See before You Die. Portrait 21 Rosebud. Portrait 22 The Orientalist. Portrait 23 Sepia. Portrait 24 An Unscripted Life. Portrait 25 Oh Sod It!. Portrait 26 Jose and Jose''s Wife. Portrait 27 Wrestling. Portrait 28 The Carpenter. Portrait 29 Things That Bright Up the Place. Portrait 30 Home Truths. Epilogue: If This is Modern Life - Then What is That?. Appendix: The Study