In keeping with tradition, this collection covers three principal crystallization methods: from the vapor, solution, and the melt. The five articles of the first part are concerned with heterostructure formation. O. P. Pchelyakov and L. V. Sokolov report on controlled growth of nanostructures in the Si-Ge system using an array of modern analytical tools to follow the process in situ. A different method for growing quantum-sized Si-Ge structures is used by Mil'vidskii et al., chemical deposition of hydrides from the vapor. Stresses and misfit dislocations in the resulting heterostructures are thoroughly investigated. The theoretical work of E. M. Trukhanov examines the formation mechanism of long-range stresses that produce r -shaped cracks during the growth of thick Ge-Si films. The reasons for the manifestation of macro defects connected with the generation of twins in HgCdTe films are unraveled by Yu. G. Sidorov et al. The conditions under which films with a low defect density grow are found. The preparation of highly oxidized amorphous Nb films and the structures formed during the crystallization of these films are reported by A. A. Sokol et al. Growth from solutions is the subject of the four articles in the second part.
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Heterostructure Formation in Molecularbeam and Gasphase Epitaxy: Direct Synthesis of Nanostructures in the Germanium- Silicon System by Molecularbeam Epitaxy (O.P. Pchelyakov, L.V. Sokolov). Heterostructures and Strained Superlattices in the Ge-Si System: Growth, Structure, Defects, and Electronic Properties (M.G. Mil''vidskii et al.). Longrange Stresses and Their Effects on Growth of Epitaxial Films (E.M. Trukhanov). Growth of and Defect Formation in CdxHg1xTe Films during Molecularbeam Epitaxy (Yu.G. Sidorov et al.). Structure of Amorphous Nb Oxide Films and Their Crystallization (A.A. Sokol et al.). Growth of Crystals in Lowtemperature and Hydrothermal Solutions: Morphological Stability of a Linear Step in the Presence of a Mobile Adsorbed Impurity (V.V. Voronkov). Growth Kinetics and Bipyramidface Morphology of KDP Crystals (L.N. Rashkovich, G.T. Moldazhanova). Growth and Certain Properties of KDP Crystals Affected by pH and Temperature (V.A. Kuznetsov et al.). KOH-ZrO2-SiO2-H2O Hydrothermal System: Formation of Potassium Zirconosilicates and Crystallochemical Correlations among Them (G.D. Ilyushin, L.N. Dem''yanets). Growth of Crystals from the Melt: Compositions of Congruently Melting Threecomponent Solid Solutions Determined by Finding Acnodes on Ternarysystem Fusion Surfaces (P.P. Fedorov). Coriolis Force on Melt Convection during Growth of Crystals in a Centrifuge and under Weightlessness (V.S. Yuferev). Convectioninduced Effects in the Stepheater Stockbarger Growth of CaF2 Crystals: Growthfront Shape (N.A. Verezub et al.). Crystallization Front Structure during Growth of Single Crystals from a Melt in Various Crystallographic Directions (O.P. Fedorov, E.L. Zhivolub). Growth, Detwinning, and Properties of YBa2Cu3Ox and TmBa2Cu3Ox Single Crystals (V.I. Voronkova, V.K. Yanovskii). Index.